Wednesday, December 2, 2009

first breath after coma

never in my life
have i spent
every single waking moment
thinking, wishing, waiting
for a simple phone call
a quiet hum from 
across the room
and i'm sent into
a whirlwind of emotions
his cheerful voice
makes mine disappear
my heart feels like
i've been sprinting for days
my throat is sewn together
and the purest water
 trickles down to 
my quivering chin
alas, this is not from
sadness, regret, or despair
this is overwhelming happiness
a joy i have never felt before
every single moment of doubt
was flooding over and out 
of my mind
because i know that
there can't be a love
more true than ours.
all those sleepless nights
staring at the ceiling
the constant reminders
to breathe
have been lifted
the smile has returned
to my relieved face
my muscles have
loosened their tension
and my heart has found
its missing piece 
to the puzzle 
i have been struggling
to finish the past few months

i  c a n  f i n a l l y  b r e a t h e